Fighting an attack of 6 clonebots. Darxide is the defending Dancer bot.

This log has been slightly edited (user levels has been hidden.)

02.36.11 Join    GETSOME3 [0] (Whoopppss@206.100.204.*)
02.36.12 Join    GETSOME2 [0] (MuffDude@206.100.204.*)
02.36.12 Join    GETSOME4 [0] (Funky@206.100.204.*)
02.36.13 Join    GETSOME1 [0] (Dooooh@206.100.204.*)
02.36.14 Join    GETSOME5 [0] (Dude@206.100.204.*)
02.36.14 Join    GETSOME6 [0] (Lamer@206.100.204.*)
02.36.15 Ctcp    Clientinfo on #Amiga from GETSOME6!Lamer@
02.36.15 Ctcp    Clientinfo on #Amiga from GETSOME4!Funky@
02.36.15 DBUG    Sent KICK GETSOME1 to server
02.36.15 Ctcp    Ignores channel 'CLIENTINFO' from GETSOME1!Dooooh@
02.36.15 DBUG    Sent KICK GETSOME3 to server
02.36.15 DBUG    Sent KICK GETSOME5 to server
02.36.15 DBUG    Enqueued KICK GETSOME2
02.36.15 DBUG    Enqueued KICK GETSOME4
02.36.16 BDUG    Q-Sent KICK GETSOME2 to server
02.36.16 DBUG    sent MODE #Amiga +b *!*Dude@206.100.204.*
02.36.16 DBUG    sent MODE #Amiga +b *!*Whoopppss@206.100.204.*
02.36.16 DBUG    sent MODE #Amiga +b *!*Dooooh@206.100.204.*
02.36.16 DBUG    sent MODE #Amiga +b *!*Funky@206.100.204.*
02.36.17 BDUG    Q-Sent KICK GETSOME4 to server
02.36.17 DBUG    Enqueued KICK GETSOME6
02.36.17 DBUG    sent MODE #Amiga +b *!*Lamer@206.100.204.*
02.36.17 Mode    "#amiga +b *!*Dooooh@ " by Eetu (
02.36.17 Kick    (#amiga GETSOME1 :AutoKICK after 4 JOIN's in 45 seconds) by Eetu!
02.36.17 Quit    lemm (:Excess Flood)
02.36.18 Quit    Ashiq (:Excess Flood)
02.36.18 BDUG    Q-Sent KICK GETSOME6 to server
02.36.19 Quit    defcon_ (:Excess Flood)
02.36.19 Mode    "#amiga +b *!*Lamer@ " by Greebz (
02.36.19 Kick    (#amiga GETSOME6 :AutoKICK after 6 JOIN's in 45 seconds) by Greebz!
02.36.19 Quit    gdh (:Excess Flood)
02.36.19 Quit    Babbage (:Excess Flood)
02.36.20 Quit    ItsIllak (:Excess Flood)
02.36.20 Quit    GilaniGuy (:Excess Flood)
02.36.20 Quit    r1d (:Excess Flood)
02.36.21 Quit    MiniMag (:Excess Flood)
02.36.22 Quit    HammerDx (:Excess Flood)
02.36.22 Kick    (#Amiga GETSOME3 :CTCP flood detected) by Darxide!
02.36.22 Kick    (#Amiga GETSOME5 :CTCP flood detected) by Darxide!
02.36.22 Kick    (#Amiga GETSOME2 :CTCP flood detected) by Darxide!
02.36.23 Quit    NAN5 (:Excess Flood)
02.36.23 Mode    "#amiga +b *!*Dude@206.100.204.* " by Darxide (
02.36.23 Mode    "#amiga +b *!*Whoopppss@206.100.204.* " by Darxide (
02.36.23 Warn    Banlist contains 18 bans!
02.36.24 Join    HammerD [XXX] (darren@*
02.36.24 Mode    "#amiga +b *!*Funky@206.100.204.* " by Darxide (
02.36.24 Quit    bbbc (:Excess Flood)
02.36.24 Join    lemm [XXX] (lemming@*
02.36.25 Quit    mlelstv3 (:Excess Flood)
02.36.26 Kick    (#Amiga GETSOME4 :CTCP flood detected) by Darxide!

Followed by a lame attempt directly aimed at Dancer
02.39.42 Ctcp    DCC request from v9Tp5X8fL!MuffDude@ (SEND X)
02.39.42 DEBUG   Wrong number of DCC arguments in ctcp.c line 509
02.39.42 Ctcp    DCC request from d9At8K2nT!Funky@ (SEND X)
02.39.42 DEBUG   Wrong number of DCC arguments in ctcp.c line 509
02.39.43 Ctcp    DCC request from e0Lm8P1yH!Whoopppss@ (SEND X)
02.39.43 DEBUG   Wrong number of DCC arguments in ctcp.c line 509
02.39.43 Ctcp    Flood: Ignoring DCC flood by e0Eh4D7pY!Dooooh@
02.39.43 Ctcp    Ignores DCC from v9Tp5X8fL!MuffDude@
02.39.43 Ctcp    Ignores DCC from d9At8K2nT!Funky@
02.39.43 Ctcp    Ignores DCC from e0Lm8P1yH!Whoopppss@
02.39.44 Ctcp    Ignores DCC from e0Eh4D7pY!Dooooh@
02.39.44 Ctcp    Ignores DCC from l7Jw0X1hV!Dude@
02.39.44 Ctcp    Ignores DCC from h6Fa0H6nA!Lamer@